Afterward, follow the on-screen wizard to install the program. Step 1: Head over to the Wondershare website and click the download button corresponding to either the free trial or premium version of the software. The streamlined software also allows you to send text messages from computer and organize your apps with ease. and quickly transfer files between your device and Mac with a few simple clicks. Wondershare ($35) is the perfect case in point, a paid offering that allows you to conveniently back up all facets of your Android device - apps, contact, text messages, etc. Premium features often come at a premium price. DT Editorial Assistant Emily Schiola contributed to this guide. 21, 2013 to include new methods for transferring files. Update : This article has been updated since it was originally published in Feb. So, try not to let the social pressures get you down - Android and Apple can play nice together. Here’s how.

The transfer software will allow you to move everything from movies and music to pictures and podcasts between your two devices, along with other various media and slew of contact data. Though the exact process for pairing your Android smartphone or tablet with your desktop Mac depends on the model of Android device and your operating system, the entire process rarely takes more than a valid Internet connection, an app, and the standard USB cable that first came with your device. It may seem impossible to marry an Android phone with a Mac, but the two devices can actually coexist in harmony despite what Apple or Windows aficionados might tell you.